
Upcoming Events from Jubaer Group is provided in here

Any public or private activity consisting of a minimum of 15 persons with a common interest or vocation, held in a specific venue or venues, and hosted by an organization (or organizations). This may include (but not limited to): conferences, conventions, symposia, congresses, incentive group events, marketing events, special celebrations, seminar, courses, public or trade shows, product launches, exhibitions, company general meetings, corporate retreats, study tours or training programs.

The demand for a business event is driven mainly by organizations choosing it as a forum to communicate messages, to educate or train, to promote a product, to reward or celebrate, to collaborate on issues and solutions, or to generate resources.

Types of business events

  1. Conventions – A conference is an event which people confer, exchange views, convey messages, open debates or even shed light on areas of opinion on a specific issue.
  2. Exhibitions – A tradeshow is commonly seen as an event people go to show, display or exhibit products or services for public or private view.
  3. Meetings – Meetings are gatherings that bring people together to allow them to learn from one another, understand what is meant to be achieved and observe what superiors are planning.
  4. Convention – A convention is an event that usually combines a few different types of events, i.e. a Comic Convention is a tradeshow and a congress.
  5. Corporate event – Many believe in general there are two bodies that host corporate events, these are; corporations and associations.
    1. Corporation events – These are mainly internal and is somewhere where superiors discuss company initiatives, policies and reports. The most common examples of corporate events are sales conferences, training seminars and manager meetings.
    2. Association events – Association events consist of people in similar trades. These types of events are held to provide attendees with additional information on the happenings within their industry and networking opportunities.
  6. Product launch – A product launch is a tool used as a way to build anticipation for a products release. These types of events are usually aimed towards retailers or dealers.
  7. Incentive travel – The main goal of incentive travel is to encourage employees to meet challenging business objectives to help increase sales.
  8. Congress – A congress in a gathering of large groups of people, usually to converse over a particular subject. A congress can take several days to complete and can play host of multiple sessions.
*Upcoming events & events history from Jubaer Group will appear here soon



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